Because He Lives, We Too Shall Live
Almost 2,000 years ago, a series of events happened that changed this world forever. An innocent man was tried, condemned, killed and buried, but His empty grave was discovered three days later.
Today, those events are celebrated globally as Easter.
True Meaning of Easter
Beyond egg hunts, chocolate bunnies and giant rabbits, Easter is about the sacrificial love of this man—Jesus Christ—who gave up His life so that we may live.
“I have come that they may have life and life to the full” John 10:10 declares of Jesus’ purpose on earth.
He faced many false charges and was crucified because of His claim to be the Messiah—the One whom God sent to save mankind from their sin.
Sobering Good Friday
As Christians, we pause on Good Friday to reflect on the sacrifice Jesus made for our sake.
Spat on, scourged, and crowned with thorns, He was forced to carry a 100+ pound cross uphill for over 1/3 of a mile. He was then nailed to that cross alive and pierced with a sword to ensure His total humiliation.
As He hung on the cross, the crowd taunted, “He saved others: let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.” (Luke 23:35)
Joyful Easter Sunday
We would have reason to be bitter and be without hope if Jesus’ life story ended on Good Friday, but it didn’t.
We celebrate His resurrection from the dead three days later on Easter Sunday, because it once and for all removed the separation that sin caused between us and God and made the way for us to live with our loving Father in eternity.
Redemption and Salvation for all
As Jesus promised the disciples and all those who believe in Him and obey Him, “Because I live you too shall live” (John 14:19).
Two thousand years later, there are many amongst us who do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah. He’s put on trial in the courts of public opinion and betrayed in their hearts.
What matters most is who do you say Jesus is?
To know Him as your Lord and Saviour:
- Confess your sins and ask His forgiveness
- Believe that He died on the cross for you and rose from the grave
- Commit to live and grow like He did
Let’s put the power of the cross to work in our lives!
Happy Easter!!
How is the power of the cross working for you? Email us your story. We would love to hear from you!