Lift your head, lift your eyes, lift your voice.
At a monthly Chayil Women’s Group in Brampton, Ontario Canada, the speaker encouraged the 20 or so attendees to get a facelift. “Lift your head, lift your eyes, lift your voice daily,” Janet Burnside charged.
How? She modelled the formula on David and his response to the many challenges he faced in the Scriptures.
3-Step Facelift
- Lift your head to where you need to go and grow so the king of glory can come in (Psalm24:7-10).
- Lift your eyes to Jesus Christ (Psalm 121; 34:5). It shifts your focus from the problem to the solution.
- Lift your voice to honour, acknowledge and worship God (Ps 5:3). This establishes Jesus Christ as the Lord over your situation, and if God is for you who can be against you?
“This is the power and confidence of our ‘facelift’: it changes your countenance; you can have it daily and it’s FREE. In this posture you cannot be downcast. Try it!” Janet urged.
Janet is quite right.
Every day we are bombarded with external influences that can generate stress in our lives. To manage it all and not be battle worn demands God’s perspective and an intentional victory strategy. Let the 3-step ‘facelift’ be a part of your arsenal.
The Bible also instructs us to put on the full armour of God to remain resilient.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Ephesians 6:12-13 NIV).
The armour of God protects you from head to toe. Suit up daily in the:
Helmet of Salvation – keeps you in your right mind to know who you are and whose you are. This affirms your hope.
Belt of truth – the truth of God’s word wrapped around your core keeps you upright.
Breastplate of righteousness – guards your heart which informs your actions.
Shield of faith – extinguishes every flaming dart the enemy throws at you to incense and destroy you.
Sword of the Spirit – the indefeasible Word of God is your most powerful and effective weapon in this spiritual battle. When you wield it, it will not return void.
Shoes of the Gospel of peace – establishes the peace of God wherever your feet stand.
Pray – stay in constant contact with El Chayil, Lord of armies, your commander. He sees all and knows all.
As you put on the armor of God daily, lift your head, lift your eyes and lift your voice. Like David, your resilience and the glow of your ‘facelift’ will attract others and inspire hope in those around you.
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Share this formula with as many people you can think of today.
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