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21-DAY praying for Personal, Family, Church & Nation

21-Day Daniel Fast

Daily Virtual Prayer

📅 Monday to Friday: 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. via Facebook: @patfrancisministries OR  YouTube: @PatFrancisTV 

📅 Saturdays: 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. via:
Phone (Toll-Free): 1.587.405.1252
Participant Code: 201 5323
Online Link: hello/freeconference/com/conf/call2015323


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"Manifesting the Glory of Christ!"

Isaiah 58:6 “Is this not the fast that I have chosen: To loose the bonds of wickedness, To undo the heavy burdens, To let the oppressed go free, and that You break every yoke?”
Matt. 17:21 “However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

Day 1 - Cleansed to Live by Faith

Josh 3:5 “Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I rededicate my life to you for cleansing and commitment to you as a living sacrifice to please and serve you.

  • Declaration: The righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. By faith, my heart is purified.

Day 2 - Transitioning into New Beginnings

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
  • Consecration: My Heavenly Father, not my will but yours be done as I examine and refresh my life in surrender to your will. I ask you to keep me on the path of righteousness for your Name sake.
  • Declaration: I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Day 3 - God protects and prosper His children

Jer. 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I put my faith in God and in His word to prosper, protect me, give me hope and a bright
  • Declaration: I live by Faith and not by sight.

Day 4 - I Speak and Create Peace

Isa 57:19 “I create the fruit of the lips; Peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, saiththe LORD; and I will heal him.”
  • Consecration: Jesus is my Prince of Peace in my heart, soul, body, and life.
  • Declaration: I have the peace of Christ in my heart.

Day 5 - God’s glory is IN you

Col. 1:27 “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Ps. 57:8 “Awake, my glory!” Awake, lute and harp! I will awaken the dawn.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I cry like David and ask you to awake my glory that I might shine, share and show the
    gospel of the Glory of Christ wherever I go.
  • Declaration: The Glory of Christ in me is awakened so that I can be His witness and minister His grace, hope,
    and miraculous salvation to others.

Day 6 - Be aware of your Double Glory

  • God’s Shekinah Glory and angels are WITH you:
    Luke 2:9 “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.”
    Ps. 91:11 “For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.”
  • The Chayil Glory of Christ is IN you:
    Col. 1:27 “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I am safe and secure in you and for your Glory in and through me. Through Jesus, our
    Father received glory and now through me, God shall receive glory.
  • Declaration: I am surrounded by the Glory of God and filled with the Glory of Christ.

Day 7 - The Sure Mercies of David

Isa 55:3 “Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting
covenant with you – The sure mercies of David.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I thank you for making an everlasting covenant with me that includes your peace,
    forgiveness, and eternal life.
  • Declaration: I am blessed with The Sure Mercies that are new every morning.

Day 8 - I Trust in the Name of the Lord

Psalm 20:7 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
  • Consecration: Lord Jesus, I exalt your Name as my Savior and Lord.
  • Declaration: I trust in the Name of Lord that is above every mountain in my life and greater than every challenge I face.

Day 9 - Live in God’s Glory Dome

Ps 91:1. “He who dwells in the secret place of The Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
2. “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.”
  • Consecration: Lord God Almighty, I choose to live in your glory dome so that I can be protected from diseases and evil forces.
  • Declaration: I live in God’s Glory Dome of protection, preservation, provision, and peace.

Day 10 - His fire of Glory surrounds you

Zech. 2:5 “I myself will be a wall of fire around it,’ declares the Lord, ‘and I will be its glory within.”
  • Consecration: I worship my King of Glory, Lord of Hosts who is a wall of Fire around me and glory within me.
  • Declaration: I am surrounded by the fire of God’s protection and filled with the fire of His love and glory.

Day 11 - Revelation and Enlightenment

Eph. 1:18 “I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.”
  • Consecration: Lord Jesus, cleanse my heart from all strongholds of doubt and vain imaginations that is blocking the reality of the riches of your glorious inheritance in me. Help my eyes to see the riches of my glorious inheritance.
  • Declaration: I can and will accomplish my purpose and calling in Christ by the Spirit of the Lord my God.

Day 12 - Sharing the Glory of Christ

2 Thess. 2:14 “He called you to this [His glorious salvation] through our gospel, that you might share in the
glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
  • Consecration: Lord Jesus, I place myself at the Altar with you to die to my selfish ambitions, to serve you in your mission to save our world, and to manifest your Chayil Glory everywhere.
  • Declaration: Christ in me is the hope of glory for the world.

Day 13 - The Glory of God shall guard you

Isaiah 58:8 “Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your
righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard.”
  • Consecration: Lord, let your light break forth like the dawn in me for new beginnings of Manifested Glory.
  • Declaration: The glory of the LORD surrounds me with protection.

Day 14 - The Light of Christ will guide you

John 8:12 “Later, in one of his talks, Jesus said to the people, “I am the Light of the world. So, if you follow me,
you won’t be stumbling through the darkness, for living light will flood your path.”
  • Consecration: My Jesus, I hold your hand as you take me through the path of light and righteousness for your Name’ sake.
  • Declaration: I will walk in His Light to be guided by His Light and to be His light in our world.

Day 15 - Hear God’s Glorious Plan for you

Isa 60:1-2 “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 2 See, darkness
covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears
over you.”
  • Consecration: My Heavenly Father, in this season of crisis in our world, help me to always see the light of your glory.
  • Declaration: I believe and receive God’s ever-increasing glory.

Day 16 - Praise creates an Atmosphere for Victory

2 Chron. 20:22 “As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and
Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.”
  • Consecration: Lord, my heart is surrendered to you and I will bless you at all times.
  • Declaration: I will declare your name to others; in the congregation, I will praise you.”

Day 17 - You will sparkle with God’s Glory

Zech. 9:16-17 “The LORD their God will save them on that day as the flock of his people. They will sparkle in
his land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be! Grain will make the young men thrive,
and new wine the young women.”
  • Consecration: Lord Jesus, save me to save others, heal me to bring hope to others, beautify my feet to bring the Gospel and Good News of Christ to others.
  • Declaration: I am a sparkling vessel of light, hope and glory.

Day 18 - Your faith will cause you to see His Glory

John 11:40 “Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?’”
  • Consecration: Lord, increase my faith to believe and receive the promises of God. My journey of faith will
    cause me to experience God’s ever-increasing glory of blessings and miracles.
  • Declaration: I will see and manifest the glory of God.

Day 19 - Prepare for abundant blessings

Eph. 3:20,21 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according
to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and
ever. Amen.”
  • Consecration: Holy Spirit arise in me with power for personal breakthroughs. As you anointed Jesus to do
    good so anoint me with your power (ability, strength, creativity) and glory to do good to others.
  • Declaration: I thank God for His exceeding abundant blessings and favor to manifest Christ to generations.

Day 20 - Fill the earth with the knowledge of His Glory

Hab. 2:14. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
John 17:10 “All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And glory has come to me through them.”
  • Consecration: Lord, I humbly volunteer to share and show the gospel of the glory of Christ wherever I go. I am a servant of your glory, for your glory.
  • Declaration: I am saved, sanctified and glorified to share and show the Chayil (powerful great) Glory of Christ.

Day 21- The whole earth is full of God’s Glory

Ps 72:19-20 “Praise be to his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen and Amen. 20 This concludes the prayers of David son of Jesse.
“Isaiah 6:3 “And they were calling to one another: ‘Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.’”
  • Consecration: Praise the Lord. I join with the angels and agree with the prophetic declaration that the whole
    earth shall be filled with your glory. I volunteer to pray and serve you as you fill me with your ever-increasing
    glory. Lord, show me your glory.
  • Declaration: I believe and declare “Revival and the whole earth full of his glory.’”